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cccmohitnmytitbits : ANECDOTES
well people if u know me then it is ok..n if u dont know me it is ok as this is for the ones who love to read n read nythin..i know many do not have the access to this computer but cant help....

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Creation: 27/11/2010 14:38
Update: 27/11/2010 14:43
Articles 1
Images 1
Comments 1
Visits of the week 791
Total visits 596

cccmohitnmytitbits :: ANECDOTES

cccmohit has no other blog!

France - cccmohit
Position: 7991/56779 members

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: desires.... - 27/11/2010 14:43

i m walkin... n c people walk with me...

i m rushin... n so r the ones with me...

but a void sumwhere... pinches me...

askin me.."is this your destiny...?"


i open my hands to c the grasped time...

but all that is left is just a puff of smoke...

cries that deafen me to the core...

with some for gone names i just woke...


there is a memory that pu...lls me always...

a taste n smell that is so known to me...

i open my eyes to c d foreign land i m...

i wish to grab tym and have a flee...


a flee into time with all the ones i grew up with...

and just tell them a word that i am here... 

i want to touch the way u people feel...

coz i feel i m immune with the ways u have there...


just breathe my name as i existed with u all..

and say all those stupid stuff as i had the habbit...

just oh beloved friends of mine n give a space...

so that this my wild gone heart pacifies a bit..

